El Llugarín, 1- 33640 Ujo (Mieres)

Telephone: +34 985 422 532

Contact: Sandra Sánchez García


The Technological and Business Biomass Cluster of Asturias – PTEBi


An open and collaborative group, which aims to definitively support the forest biomass sector in our region, bringing together the most representative companies and entities of its value chain. This is with the fundamental objective of promoting technological progress, innovative attitudes and business cooperation with regard to this renewable energy resource, which has a potential yet to be developed in our region.



  1. Sectoral development, improvement of competitiveness and growth of the associated entities.
  2. Fostering of business and technological collaboration through the creation of a business community that brings representativeness and a greater capacity for action to the sector.
  3. Promotion of forestry culture, social commitment and environmental sustainability.
  4. Impulse of research, development and innovation specialised in biomass and linked to the Energy Transition.


Objective 1 activities:

  • Encourage the development of a network of local biomass suppliers.
  • Organise actions to identify the common needs and joint opportunities of its associates.
  • Create models of accessibility, coordination and agile management of forest properties, which could be utilised.
  • Develop talent recruitment programs and publicise employment opportunities within the biomass sector.
  • Maintain and improve existing public subsidy and financing lines for the forestry sector.
  • Promote professional and intersectoral contact of the different agents involved throughout the biomass value chain in Asturias.
  • Carry out sectoral networking and collaborate with all the agents involved in the PTEBi, especially forest owners.


Objective 2 activities:

  • Establish an observatory of updated data on the evolution of forest resources in the Asturian mountains.
  • Participate in the revision of the Forest Plan and the new RDP so that their policies address biomass.
  • Collaborate with regional public administrations to streamline and digitise administrative procedures related to the forestry sector.
  • Promote and create specific areas of action, knowledge groups and consortia for the management of collaborative projects.
  • Develop benchmarking tasks.


Objective 3 activities:

  • Design and develop a Sectoral Training Plan based on the training needs identified at a strategic, tactical and operational level.
  • Participate in the promotion of training activities among its associates.
  • Design and develop a Promotion Plan to publicise the benefits of the PTEBI and the biomass sector in Asturias.
  • Support, defend and propose new academic policies related to the biomass sector and renewable energies in the region.
  • Actively participate in fairs and conferences, promoting meetings of interest for the biomass sector.

Objective 4 activities:

  • Identify potential R+D+i actions among its associates.
  • Inform associates of the technological supply and the technology available within the sector.
  • Design and disclose maps of interests that reflect the main lines of research and development within the sector.
  • Prepare a catalogue indicating the technology supply and knowledge of the centres and entities.
  • Connect with other innovation agents on a national and international level.